Accessibility Resources
Published by Beverley Newing on
As it’s Global Accessibility Awareness, I’m sharing a list of accessibility resources that I regularly refer to. Happy reading, watching and listening!
'Accessibility for Everyone' by Laura Kalbag
This is a great introduction to accessibility as a topic. I highly recommend it as the first thing you read!
‘Inclusive Design Patterns’ by Heydon Pickering
I am a huge fan of Heydon Pickering and his accessibility work, and Inclusive Design Patterns is a book that I regularly go back to. Brilliant introduction to accessibility and how to implement things well, with lots of HTML guidance.
Webinars and newsletters
A11y Weekly
I now regularly look forward to these weekly newsletters! They include a collection of really interesting articles from all over the internet. I’ve learnt a huge amount from these in a very short space of time.
AbilityNet Webinars
The quality of these webinars from AbilityNet are amazing! These people are experts in this field and it really shows. I highly recommend giving their talks a listen to.
‘What we found when we tested tools on the world’s least-accessible webpage’, GOV.UK accessibility blog
GDS did a fantastic piece of research into the effectiveness of automated testing. They created a very inaccessible website and ran a variety of automated tools. Spoiler; the top tool could only get 40% of issues.
The WebAIM 1 million
This is an amazing and slightly horrifying study that WebAIM completed this year. They took the top 1 million websites and ran an automated testing tool over their home pages. As well as it being a brilliant piece of research, they’ve also documented how they went about it really well.
GOV.UK WCAG 2.1 Primer
This guide does a nice job of breaking down the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines into slightly more readable language, but still links back to them. It also contains a nice checklist of questions you can ask yourself throughout the process of building anything.
'A Responsive, Accessible Table' by Adrian Roselli
Whilst this is a bit niche, I had to include it because it’s such a beautiful illustration of how complex accessibility problems can be solved really elegantly. I really love pieces of writing like this.
‘Accessibility is more than just supporting screen readers’ by Seren Davies
This talk is a fantastic introduction to accessibility, and how broad it is. Seren does a fantastic job of talking about different issues and some practical solutions, and also exploring the cognitive side of accessibility too.
'Screen Reader User Survey #7' by WebAIM
This is a really great resource for checking that you’re testing with the most popular screen readers, and with the right browser combination. It’s worth noting though that this is a survey of everyone, and the user group for what you are creating might be different.
This is just a fraction of the awesome resources out there. if there’s anything that you refer to as well on a regular basis, let me know! I’d love to hear about what you find useful too.
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As #GlobalAccessibilityAwarenessDay ends, I've been reflecting on all of the wonderful, talented and kind people I've learnt from over the years. I've written down the main resources I particularly love in a blog post, in case it's useful for anyone else! https://t.co/kWFWwk2SFc
— Beverley Newing (@WebDevBev) May 16, 2019